The following forms are to be used for the Fall 2025, Spring 2026 and Summer 2026 terms.
FAFSA (Free Application for Student Aid)
Florida Residency
Find out more information on Aid for Florida Residents.
PLUS Loan (parent and graduate) Documents
- Direct PLUS Loan website:
- Direct PLUS Loan online applicaton: PLUS Loan application
- Direct PLUS Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN): PLUS Loan MPN
Student Loan Documents
- Direct Loans website:
- Direct Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN): Master Promissory Note (MPN)
- DIrect Loan Entrance Counseling: Loan Entrance Counseling
- TEACH Grant Agreement to Serve
- TEACH Grant Initial and Subsequent Counseling
- TEACH Grant Exit Counseling
Verification Documents
The University of Tampa is pleased to announce our new automated verification solution called ProVerifier+ powered by ProEducation Solutions (ProEd). If your FAFSA application is selected for verification by the U.S. Department of Education or assigns Comments to your FAFSA that require resolution, ProEd will notify you via email to the email address provided on the FAFSA. We will use ProVerifier+ for verification beginning Dec. 16, 2024.
Find out more information on the verification process and ProEd.